Monday, March 9, 2009

Marriage: Angela 2009.02.21

Remember my old post, that Rebecca get wed? Not long later, it’s now her sis Angela…i really admire them…they found their Mr. Right…get engage…i mean like simply engage (not that simply i mean)…get register as formal or legal husband and wife first…then only they plan and save money for their ceremony…

I say, many couple would plan long enough to get all this settled at one…one year to prepare all the registration, wedding dinner location and dishes, decent dress and photography…etc..but not these two couples…but who cares…they love each other…they are fate to each other…they are so determined to each other…and now they were husband and wife…!!




Of course, i don’t miss the chance to practice my photography skills…here are some of the abstract…


DSC_0023_1 DSC_0081_1DSC_0090_1DSC_0094_1   DSC_0105_1  

DSC_0135_1 DSC_0145_1Sometimes i was wonder, how do you know that he/she is the one you gonna rest for whole life…?? How would tat happen…??

Marriage is a big commitment to life…i hope you guys appreciate for what you have commit and stay happily ever after…

Congratulation again…!!!

1 comment:

Yeo Pei Chen said...

u will know when the time comes.