Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Home Sick

so long never been back to hometown...last weekend i take my chance to drive back...to celebrate my grandma birthday and follow by my brother birthday...

i missed the grandma cake cutting coz i was late 1 day...tat day fri, i rush back to home early morning and it took 8 hours drive to reach around 5pm...lol...that nite, we were juz like normal, having a reunion dinner at Restaurant Chiang Mai, a thai food cruisine...

Grandma birthday was on 23rd while my brother on 26th...upon his request, mum agree to organize a birthday party...he claim he never had a birthday party before...well...i dun have one either...hahaha...

it was a busy day on 26th and before 26th...mum have to make clear of all the stuff everywhere in the house...lol...and preparing all the food like fried mee, mee hun and rice, despite she bought others from outside...the party started and although i was informed earlier that my brother invite all of his classmate and ex-classmate, i was shock when they appear...my brother really tat friendly huh...

4 days back in home....i really feel home is the safest place and warmest place in the earth...facing all the pressure outside, i did not bring any of them back home....when i feel myself hurt, there's always a place for me to lay...to rely...i really love my family...everyone treat me like baby boy...and my siblings was simply great...although the youngest one might be naughty bit...

when i can i gather the family members in one place...?? when can i capable to do tat...?? my eldest sister working in kuantan and the younger studying in cheras...others back in hometown...and i never bother about them as if they were far far away...i'm juz really tat useless, heartless...i feel so...words juz utter, feeling juz utter, but never deeply express it, appreciate it, work on it...

i feel so sorry....i wish i could spend more time for them...take care of them...for what i called family along these ages..


man7drake said...

Then you should go back more often lar.. wahahaha.. money is not an issue for you lar.. try fly back with AA lar.. saves your time driving!!!

kennylaps said...

ew....i got no money 1 le...money is a big big issue for me...not like u le...hahaha...

AA...is very exp oso la...lol...

the best way...gather them all in KL...hoho...