Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dragon-i: RM1 Chicken

Economy down. There had been lot of restaurants having promotion like Yaki-Yaki Japanese Steamboat Buffet at 50% discount, etc. Bet you hear that. And this one, Dragon-i, is promoting RM1 chicken. I think they really got the market.

But of course, you won’t only spend RM1 on the soy sauce chicken. I mean they really have the RM1 chicken. But you won’t hesitate to order their famous dishes like ‘siu long pao’ or ‘lao sha pau’. We did order both and more than that. End up we spend more than expected.



RM1 Soy Sauce Chicken: It taste really good…hehehe…

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The menu big enough to cover her big face…hahaha…actually she is promoting Dragon-i as well.

DSC_0011_1The girl behind big menu exposed. On the left is Fofo and right is Foong (my handful colleague).  


Who’s going again? I wan follow. But make sure don’t spend more than it takes to eat RM1 chicken.


man7drake said...

yat mun gai, mou jau gai! fai tit hui sek si yau gai!

kennylaps said...

like u meh? got kai sendiri makan. no inform oso. ji kei sek kai dou hmm oi yek kai fong. hahaha.

Gosh. You are so fast. Efficient le...

fofo said...

when v go to eat again?
hou dai sek arr...haha

kennylaps said...

u go eat wif ur family la...hehe...