Sunday, March 29, 2009

1st Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009

It is very impressive that Malaysia can organize such international event here in Putrajaya, like the MIFC. I think they attract more local than foreigner lo. You can see the crowd. But anyway, it is a good and healthy outing.

And of course, it is also a big event for photography enthusiasm. You can see ‘huge huge’ camera walking around. Or even like they are carrying a ‘kancil car’, i mean pricy and keng keng DSLR lar.

That Saturday Noon, they suppose to open the field for photographer but they do not. And they don’t until the balloon start flying up, they still don’t. So some, or i can say everyone, break the stupid lousy gate, and rush inside (gated wo!!). It was like chaos down there. Packs with photographer and people. But we still found our way to photograph la. Hehe.

DSC_0015_1DSC_0026_1 DSC_0019_1i like this kind of Hot Air Balloon most. Classic. Although the shape like Elephant or Orange quite interesting. But it still weird. Got Nescafe Cup some more. LOL

DSC_0041_1    DSC_0069_1DSC_0084_1DSC_0102_1The crowd is disturbing the ‘fly’. So, the even was drag till late noon.



Nigh Glow



Cute huh…haha

DSC_0215_1 DSC_0228_1

Can’t believe myself i blog this at 6am++. Something wrong with my body alarm d. Maybe i keep remind of unfinished work and disturb my sleeping. Somebody, will you give me your sleeping bug? Haha. But i dun wan sleep too long also la, make more time do more things rather than sleeping la.


fofo said...

i give u my sleep bug...i hav a lot of sleep bugs..haha^^how many u wan?

fofo said...

heyhey..where is ur model's photo?i wan c leng lui arr...

kennylaps said...

i dun wan ur sleep bug...too keng d...hahaha....later i cannot balance back...muahahaha...

be patient la...wan c nice photo has to wait 1 ma...hohoho...

man7drake said...

yew... dun act kiut here ah... hoho.. the night glow not that nice la.. not "glow" enough

kennylaps said...

my skill not there ma...and have to catch it 'glow' time...haha...

u la...selfish...go back first...